Witajcie :)
Dziś zaprezentuję Wam album harmonijkowy w tęczowych kolorach z rcznie robionymi kwiatami, których kolory wyszły bardzo zbliżone do samych papierów.
Cała baza albumu była biała, wiec po przyklejeniu papieru postanowiłam potuszować białe ramki, by bardziej stonować album. Na wszystkich kartkach użyłam stempli "bąbelków" i "pięciolinii z nutami", które swietnie nawiazują do wzorów na papierach.
Na niektórych kartach albumu przykleiłam washitape ze złotym napisem "With Love".
Hello :)
Today I will present you a concertina album in rainbow colors with hand-made flowers whose colors have come very close to the papers themselves.
The entire base of the album was white, so after sticking the paper I decided to shake off the white frames in order to tone down the album. On all pages I used the "bubble" and "stave notes" notes, which perfectly match the patterns on the papers.
On some pages of the album, I glued washitape with the golden inscription "With Love".
Hello :)
Today I will present you a concertina album in rainbow colors with hand-made flowers whose colors have come very close to the papers themselves.
The entire base of the album was white, so after sticking the paper I decided to shake off the white frames in order to tone down the album. On all pages I used the "bubble" and "stave notes" notes, which perfectly match the patterns on the papers.
On some pages of the album, I glued washitape with the golden inscription "With Love".
Twórczego tygodnia :)
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