sobota, 30 czerwca 2018

A flowery folder by Libeeti

Happy Saturday dear friends,
It's Libeeti today, and I'd like to share with you a flowery folder I've made for a young lady, who just graduated high school.
I've used a great tutorial that you can find HERE .
I've made the cover quite flat, as I know she'll be taking it in her bag, so I didn't want the cover to get ruined.
Inside there's a place for a note pad, that can be replaced, as it attached with a bellyband. On the other side, there's an envelope with an acordion fold, so it can be expended. the envelope is closed with magnets.

Here are some close ups on the details:

I've used this papers:

Flower Harmony 02

That's all for today, I hope you liked it.

Have a wonderful crafty weekend,


piątek, 29 czerwca 2018

Ślub w beżu


Ostatnio miałam wykonać kartkę ślubną. 
Padło na kolory spokojne, naturalne, beżowe. 

Mi się spodobało. A Wam? 


Recently, I had to make a wedding card. 
It fell on calm, natural and beige colors. 

I liked it. And you?

Papiery / Papers

 Pozdrawiam / Regards

czwartek, 28 czerwca 2018

Like a blues brother!

Hi everyone!!

Elisa here with my new Layout "I need you, you, you..." realized with some of my favourite Altair Art papers!!
I'm still singing in my brain this wondeful song... Everybody needs somebody! What a source of energy for me!

Here are some closer pictures of my layout... 

And these are the papers I used:


I hope you enjoy this project!!!
Till next time!!


środa, 27 czerwca 2018

Kolorowa kartka urodzinowa z motylami

Dzień dobry,

w ramach dzisiejszej inspiracji przygotowałam 
kolorową kartkę urodzinową z motylami.
Jako tło wykorzystałam Ever and always Green Peas,
kolejną warstwę wycięłam z Ever Dream.
Dodałam również motyle.

Hello, today I prepared colorful card
 with butterflies for birthday. I hope you like it.

Zapraszam / enjoy:

Pozdrawiam Agnieszka chanya13

Wykorzystałam / I used:

wtorek, 26 czerwca 2018

LO with peonies by Yulia Popkova.


 With you Yulia Popkova. Now is the perfect time of the year - summer! We are surrounded by beauty and inspiration.
I made a flower layout using the collection AltairArt Flower Harmony


 AltairArt - Flower Harmony - bloczek 15 cm x 15 cm  AltairArt - Flower Harmony - pasek 11 5x31,5 cm napisy PL

Have a good mood!
AltairArt DT

poniedziałek, 25 czerwca 2018

Najlepsze życzenia / Best wishes

Dzisiaj kartka  troszkę z nietypowym ułożeniem papieru...

Today, a little card with an unusual arrangement of paper ...


AltairArt - Foggy Dew - Springtime/Invisible love


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